

In a surprising lack of solidarity between EU Referendum related terms ironically sounding like Eastern European nationalities, recent Polls have been rather unkind to the Bremainians, showing those in favour of Britain leaving the EU commanding anywhere up to a ten-point lead. This comes despite of, or perhaps because of, recent dire predictions from those on the Remain side that should Britain leave anything from financial collapse, recession, societal breakdown, and World War III could occur.


The last one was suggested by the Prime Minister himself, which does call into question his judgement when last year he stated that he could vote either way in an upcoming referendum. With directly elected leaders like that, perhaps an unelected, unaccountable, unknown group of technocrats really is a good way to govern.


Like most young native-born Londoners, I am finding that a great proportion of my income goes towards renting a place to live. That is in large part due to the fact that London has experienced a growth in its population without a corresponding growth in its housing stock, and whilst the latter has nothing to do with the EU, the former certainly does. I am not alone in this view, so too is my Indian-born co-worker who is in the same boat as me. We both want Britain to leave the EU.


I find it highly ironic that it is the youth of Britain that generally want to remain in the EU and the older generation that want us to leave, when the politicians and experts are constantly warning that if we leave house prices will go down. For people of my generation, that would be a positive outcome seeing as few of us, unlike the older generation, own property. I get the same feeling when they say that if we leave the value of the pound will decrease; this would help us rebalance away from imports and consumption towards exports and savings. Ditto when they warn that leaving will lead to vacancies in certain professions due to a lack of immigrants. British companies might have to again start training British people in the skills the economy requires, sort of like we did from before England was actually called England right up until fifteen or so years ago when suddenly this rather basic and innocent sounding proposition became what most Economists described in various forms as economic illiteracy.


Swinging from wildly absurd scare stories that most can see through to counter-productive attempts at highlighting the ‘costs’ of leaving which many people would perceive as being beneficial, it is no wonder that the arguments the Remain Campaign has mustered so far have proven ineffective at steadying their numbers in the polls.